Home is where you rest your feet
“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown” This whole journey has been an exploration from the cosseted, comfortable life I used to know to the overwhelmingly daunting indefinite. I know this may seem pretty obvious, but when small situations happen back home, and I realize that they mean more to me than they should, then I remember the fear and nerves I should be feeling by living so far away. Everyone is okay, thank goodness, I have just had to re-evaluate what I know to be sure from my solid foundation of home. Fact #1 : my family is uprooting yet again to an unknown house in a few months. Fact #2 : the person I used to love, care for, and share every part of myself with has found someone else to fill the empty spaces in my absence Fact #3 : life goes on back home. Whether I’m there or not (and whether I like it or not) Fact #4 : I really have no reason to be upset about it, (and...