I've met my counterpart
So it has been quite a while since my last detailed blog post, sorry about that! Things have been pretty crazy recently! Let me back track to about a couple of weeks ago and my visit to Pandamatenga. I had one of the best weeks of my life! The transportation up there was a little unnecessary…15 hours in a crammed bus with hardly any pit stops was just too much to handle in one day. But when I did get to Panda (which was just two silos and a dirt road), Christina and her boyfriend Coenie were waiting for me. They then took me to a local lodge where we immediately saw an entire herd of sable. It was beautiful. Then, right as we were sitting down to eat; I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Out in the distance was a giraffe drinking water. It was so surreal! The rest of the week seemed to fly by. But in the course of only a couple days, I visited a local women’s group meeting, walked to Zimbabwe, gardened wit...