Home is where you rest your feet
“Growth means change and change
involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown”
This whole
journey has been an exploration from the cosseted, comfortable life I used to
know to the overwhelmingly daunting indefinite.
I know this may seem pretty obvious, but when small situations happen
back home, and I realize that they mean more to me than they should, then I
remember the fear and nerves I should be feeling by living so far away.
is okay, thank goodness, I have just had to re-evaluate what I know to be sure
from my solid foundation of home.
Fact #1: my family is uprooting yet again
to an unknown house in a few months.
Fact #2: the person I used to love, care
for, and share every part of myself with has found someone else to fill the
empty spaces in my absence
Fact #3: life goes on back home. Whether I’m there or not (and whether I like
it or not)
Fact #4: I really have no reason to be
upset about it, (and this drives me craziest of all).
In conclusion: I can’t help but feel utter
loneliness when contemplating these facts.
When I
find myself in such an unpredictable environment, it has been nice to know that
home will always be my home.
Though I never really predicted, when I took on this challenge, that home will always be in a constant state
of transformation.
I think
the unmatchable feeling of vulnerability is what has caught me by
surprise. I have never had to remind
myself that what I’m feeling is okay before.
I’ve never had to reassure myself that it’s okay to feel sad and that
everything will get better.
I spent
the past weekend in the capital of Gaborone for training for the new Peer
Support and Diversity Network (PSDN) that I have now become a part of. It was very nice to speak to and spend time
with volunteers that I would not normally see, but above all, the weekend was so
cathartic. It was a stark reminder that
everything I’m going through, every tiny woe that I push down and try to ignore
is absolutely normal. Every odd emotion
that occurs within me, every time that I’m on-edge for seemingly no reason, and
every single second that I question my being out here…is normal and shared by
my peers.
Bottom line: I’m not the only “crazy” person
out here.
I will
slowly learn to accept and forgive the transformation of my altering concept of
home. For now, I will acknowledge and
recognize the theory that home is wherever I rest my feet, and for the time
being, I must create a home for myself in Botswana and believe that this is where I want to be (even on those days when I
want nothing more than to curl up on an airplane and head back to the U.S.).
“Devote yourself to an idea. Go make it
happen. Struggle on it. Overcome your fears. Smile. Don't you forget: this is
your dream”
I will accomplish my dream, and I
will do it with a smile.
I have
been flirting with the New Year’s Resolutions that I’ve set for myself and so
far, minus the “being in my village more” one, I’ve done a pretty good job. Botswana
has had a drastic adjustment in temperatures lately also. Where one day I overheard complaints of
starving livestock due to the intense drought, I now hear about local people’s
houses being thrashed apart by the superfluous rainfall. Yesterday I was waiting in my shopping
village for three hours to get a ride to Gobojango. No phone network, no transport, no
electricity, and I was shivering the entire time, realizing that I had no sweater
under my rain jacket. I felt like I had plopped down right into Florida in the
middle of a hurricane. Even the animals were finding refuge from the down pouring
skies wherever they could!
On my ride
to Gobojango, I was shocked to see that the waters had surpassed the bridges
and that locals were as stunned as I was and were taking pictures of the
rampant floods as well. I arrived home
to find that the electricity was still not working and I spent the night
cooking by candlelight. I felt at peace
as I wafted off to sleep to the sound of rainfall, and was awaken in the
morning by a soft chill.
What else
is there to say? There is a new intake
group of volunteers who will be attending their in-service training and I will
be heading down to the capital yet again this weekend to conduct a couple
presentations for them. The first one is a team presentation for the King’s
Foundation (a non-governmental organization that donates sports equipment to
small communities) that I am now the official Peace Corps point person for and
the second presentation is a “get to know me” session for those interested in
speaking with the new PSDN members. Lots
of great things going on!
conclusion, I’m keeping my head up, and I’m still finding reasons to smile
during the day. Right now the rain has
stopped long enough for me to see a deep rust color resting upon a pale
greenish blue over the black horizon of trees and huts as the sun sets. Couldn’t
pay for this sort of beauty.
That’s all
for now!
Feel a hug from Africa,
Feel a hug from Africa,
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