Thinking like a bird

I have no desire to move mountains, construct monuments, or leave behind in my wake material evidence of my existence. But in the final recollection, if the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart…then in living–I have made my mark. ~ Thomas L. Odem, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------- I know it has been a while since my last post, but I have so much to tell you! First of all, let me explain that I’ve been trying to save my pula and pennies to buy a ticket home for Tasha’s wedding in September. For this reason, I’ve tried more than anything to stay in my village as much as possible. Though there isn’t too much to do in Gobojango during the lazy afternoons, I’ve been spending my time taking evening walks around the village. To my surprise, I’ve discovered a whole new appreciation for the people in Botswana. One afternoon, as I meandered through a dr...