
Showing posts from February 20, 2012

Getting closer

With each passing day my move date nears. I haven't quite slept well since I've discovered my date of departure, I toss and I turn thinking about moving and packing and training and what needs to be taken care of before April 10th when I fly to Philadelphia for staging, and finally April 12 when I fly to Africa... I can't believe this process is finally beginning. I applied for the Peace Corps almost two years ago, can you believe it? It's already been such a long journey; and the funniest part is that the most difficult parts have yet to come!! As I ponder more about the rapidly nearing date, I realize that I'm not sure I would be able to feel so confident about my decision to volunteer if it weren't for the support that my parents have given me. Honestly, it was such a relief that when I arrived to the "family support" section of my last questionnaire I was proud to write that (even though my father is in Afghanistan and my mother just moved my l...