Getting closer

With each passing day my move date nears. I haven't quite slept well since I've discovered my date of departure, I toss and I turn thinking about moving and packing and training and what needs to be taken care of before April 10th when I fly to Philadelphia for staging, and finally April 12 when I fly to Africa...

I can't believe this process is finally beginning. I applied for the Peace Corps almost two years ago, can you believe it? It's already been such a long journey; and the funniest part is that the most difficult parts have yet to come!!

As I ponder more about the rapidly nearing date, I realize that I'm not sure I would be able to feel so confident about my decision to volunteer if it weren't for the support that my parents have given me. Honestly, it was such a relief that when I arrived to the "family support" section of my last questionnaire I was proud to write that (even though my father is in Afghanistan and my mother just moved my little brother into his dorms) their support for my decision has not altered one bit (although my mom pleads me daily not to leave hehe).

It is with that unwavering support as my foundation that I accept each passing day as a stepping stone towards the next chapter in my life.

7 more weeks....oh goodness


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